Still here, COVID sucks

Still here, COVID sucks.

Lotsa life changes, don’t feel like writing. Just randomly clicked on this bookmark.

Diamondbacks are losing. Oh no, we suck again!

Mostly I’m curious to see if this post will get any views. If so maybe I’ll start writing regularly again…

I’m much too young to feel this damn old

Still not sure about getting into the habit of this again, it’s been 6 days but here goes. I feel like crap. I’m much too young to feel this damn old, as Garth would say. I miss my college days when I could have this much irregular sleep and still function. Blah. Hmm, I need a meme before the “Read more” break….  ah, this’ll work 🙂

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Just another manic Monday…

… I wish it was Sunday. And this is why:


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Back after 2 years

So, I’m back after a nearly 2 year hiatus.  Probably not here to stay, but whatevs… kinda like this popular TV drama:

Image result for gilmore girls reunion

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Weird Dream #58375

So I’m back in college, but as a freshman this time. I’m living in the dorms, and I’m in bed with this girl who’s probably about a 6. It’s my room, but the girl’s roommate is there in the next bed over giggling, and giving me a thumbs up, and she leaves and the girl’s boyfriend comes in. And he gets into bed with us as I’m fondling the girl’s breast with one hand. We decide to have a Devil’s Threeway. And we find out that the girl is into BDSM so we’re going to go back to his place where he has ropes and she’s all excited. On the way we stop at this store to buy condoms but they’re out. And as we’re walking outside, my ex-girlfriend calls the girl and wants to go to a movie with her, so she apologizes and is going to bail on us. So as I’m walking back to my dorm I see my ex-girfriend in the ped mall looking for the girl. When I call out my ex-girlfriend’s name, she sees me, but she’s gotten really fat, and turns around and tries to run away and then sees the girl and they take off together. So the guy and I are walking back towards my dorm and he tells me my ex-girlfriend has a new boyfriend of 2 weeks. And I stop and say, wait isn’t she married with a kid for 2 years? And he says yeah they broke up and I remark that figures, she couldn’t commit to anyone. So as I get back to my dorm, now by myself, I decide that I should go to the bus office where I’m a driver and schedule some shifts. So I go down and try to catch a blue route, but there’s over 100 people there and the bus fills up before I can board. A few minutes later somebody walks through the crowd and starts chanting “Go *our team*” and then we run a block away to catch the Interdorm. They get on that bus, but I realize it’s going the wrong direction, so I walk back to where the Blue route was supposed to pick up.

And then I woke up.

Cold and dreary

Good morning, or should I say afternoon. It’s Saturday, cold and dreary.

Image result for winter is coming

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Weird Dream #35837

The first one was about work. Can’t remember any specifics but I’m sure it’ll come to me at some random point this afternoon…

Second one, I was back in Arizona in college, where I worked as a personal assistant to a couple of wealthy people. So I pull in the driveway and they’re both gathered around the carport (which they would never do) with their grown kids and neighbors or something. And KC who was the one I normally dealt with was being super cold to me, really odd. Then she takes me inside where there’d been a fire in this stairway that was actually a storage room. End Scene. Seriously, no logic whatsoever.

Next scene, I pull up in front of the car port, with the car I drive now, full of crap for work. And I’m hastily trying to make room for KD and her luggage so I can take them to the airport, which I frequently did. And I’m asking her if we can take her car, which I always did, but she said she’d loaned it to her sister. So I unload all these servers and boxes and leave them in the carport so I can drive them to the airport and the whole time she’s complaining about how cramped my backseat is. End scene.

Next scene, I’m on this little commuter jet type thing. It’s about 4 rows, 3 seats wide, and I’m in the far left seat, second row which is right behind the pilot’s seat. It’s a coach-style seat, very narrow and there’s a baby carrier in the seat next to me, and in the other side in a first-class-type seat is KC. Apparently we’re going to Israel. I’m tracking the flight on Google Maps on my phone, and we’re flying all over the Midwest and finally are going over Dubuque, IA. And the pilot is going up and down and upside down. And then he comes down for a landing on Main Street. He lands and gets out of the plane and goes to the back cargo hatch and puts on a neon green safety vest. Then he comes back in, gets on the radio and calls his boss and he tells him that his liaison in Germany told him about some problem so he’s not going to fly us there after all. That’s when the dogs woke me up….

Analyze that. Bobert out.

Staycation fun

Happy Thursday!

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

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Bobert’s back

Well, we’ll take a shot at an update. It’s only been since May! Better late than never?

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